häwa in the USA
The USA location has accompanied every step that häwa has taken as a company towards globalization. With a keen sense and accumulated expertise for the market, the branch in Duluth, GA, just outside the metropolis of Atlanta, has been an important and present part of the company since 1986. The well-coordinated team is responsible for both American continents in the areas of sales, consulting and logistics. Despite the time difference, all technical coordination processes take place with the specialist departments in Wain in order to ensure the highest level of quality.
Our location in the USA has a lot to offer
- Versatile showroom for product training and customer presentations
- In-house warehouse and modification centre
- Complete portfolio of customer solutions
- Intensive market coverage with a combination of in-house sales staff, representatives and a competent dealer network
haewa Corporation
3768 Peachtree Crest Drive
USA Duluth, GA 30097
Tel.: +1 770 9213272
E-Mail: info@haewa.com
The best ideas arise from dialogue with customers and partners, which is why we at häwa value personal contact and exchange.
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