häwa GmbH & Co. KG recently presented Mr. Arno Müller and Dr. George Härdtle with a cheque of more than € 2,500 to Drs Uta and Dankwart Koelle of “Doctors for the third world”. With this donation, häwa shows its support to the “Pushpa Children's Tuberculosis Clinic”, which is home to the charity organization in Calcutta. The children in Calcutta are in dire need of this hospital as without it half of the sick children would probably not survive.
The Pushpa clinic of the “Doctors for the Third World” is a children's hospital in Calcutta which has 30 beds for children up to 14 years of age who suffer from tuberculosis. It was founded in August 2007 and is entirely funded by donations. The hospital has about 20 employees plus two Indian doctors who take care of the children. Monthly expenses are approximately € 3,500 which must be covered for by these donations.
The “Doctors for the third world” are very proud of this children’s hospital in Calcutta. It is one of their showpieces. The funding is nevertheless a permanent concern. Therefore, the organization is always on the lookout for companies who can help them carry their monthly expenses. And häwa is very pleased to help; "We admire the Doctors for the Third World” for their tireless dedication to the children in Calcutta and are delighted that our contribution is able to help with the upkeep of this hospital" said Mr. Arno Mueller of häwa.