Press releases

häwa road show creates new networks

The machine rack X-frame is on tour. The truck made a pit stop at the company Beck Automation in Würzburg (Germany). The innovative machine rack impressed the guests at the demonstration to a small group of customers.

Wain/Würzburg - 22.10.2020 - Shortly after 7 a.m. the häwa show truck arrived at the Beck-Automation premises in Würzburg. The trailer was parked, the side walls of the showroom were opened and through the large windows you could clearly see the illuminated interior of the X-frame demonstration cell. Since early September, the control cabinet manufacturer häwa has travelled through Germany, Austria as well as Switzerland to showcase their machine racks - and what was originally intended as an alternative to the cancelled trade fairs is now proving to be an innovative and communicative way to meet interested customers directly.

At many stations, including Beck Automation in Würzburg, the companies use the presentation day to invite their own customers and partners. "I thought that was a great idea of häwa", says Beck’s managing director Bernd Baumgartner, "and a good opportunity to form new networks with our contacts". This morning, for example, the häwa expert, Andreas Maier, introduced the X-frame system to two designers from a major automotive supplier in the region, showing them the whole demonstration cell, equipped with a variety of extensions and accessories. He also explained to them the principle of the cables fitting into the struts, the effective laser protection, the flexibility of the modular system, as well as the stainless steel construction option. "We have already heard a lot about X-frame," said the guests, "but when you see such a construction directly in front of you, it is really impressive.“ They told us that they had manufactured their own robot racks in their factory in the past, but had often reached technical limits: "X-frame will be a real alternative in future.“

To illustrate their capabilities, häwa equipped the demonstration cell with a robot arm and a monitor, that displays the additional program of the control cabinet manufacturer - especially the customized solutions. Exactly these customized solutions are one of the reasons why Bernd Baumgartner, managing director of Beck Automation, has relied on häwa as a supplier for many years. "Whenever we cannot use standard products or, for example, need stainless steel constructions, we, as a traditional company, could count on häwa for many years, and together, we have always found optimum customized solutions," he stated - and afterwards he explained the latest Beck innovation to a show truck visitor. For example, Beckmann mounts used electric car batteries in solar power systems to temporarily store the energy.

Just in time for the end of the working day, the walls of the häwa truck are closed and the journey continues towards the Dutch border, where new networks will be created on the following day - and the X-frame machine rack conquers further customers. "Well, on a real trade fair there is certainly more space for exhibits and also a higher visitor frequency", says häwa marketing consultant Kathrin Lay, "but our new truck concept in corona times offers the possibility of an intensive, personal and, above all, technical expert advice. In addition, the customer saves the time for the journey".

The häwa show truck is on tour until early December. A few more dates can be arranged at

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