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Long service life, robust and cost-efficient: häwa non-filter cabinet air conditioners

Wain, July 08, 2021. Electrotechnical components in control and switch cabinets produce heat. In order to protect the sensitive components from excessive temperatures, the heat must be efficiently dissipated from the control cabinet. With non-filter control cabinet air conditioners, häwa GmbH has the right solution for almost all requirements: They are robust, have a long service life and reduce costs.

Electromechanical components installed in a control cabinet are usually designed for a maximum operating temperature of 50°C. The service life of the components, is much depended on the temperature: a 10°C lower temperature doubles the service life. The highest efficiency is achieved by active systems, i.e. air conditioners installed in the control cabinets.

Compact design and high cooling capacity

Our non-filter air conditioners of the 3120 series with thermostatic or electronic control are characterized by their compact design and high cooling capacity. The units are suitable for installation in enclosures and control cabinets for various applications, e.g. indoor use in factory buildings, server and technical rooms for cooling enclosures and switchgear. The cooling units are even suitable for outdoor use if they are supplemented by add-on parts. Examples of this are models we designed for a crane manufacturer and cooling units for outdoor telecommunication systems and water pumping stations.

The cooling or heat transfer from the inside of the cabinet to the outside takes always place with active cooling (cooling unit). The air circuit, leading to the inside of the cabinet or enclosure, meets IP 54 whereby the cabinet can also be cooled below the ambient temperature. häwa air conditioners use an ozone-friendly, CFC-free refrigerant R134a. The “certified company" häwa is also authorized to carry out the disposal and recovery of the used refrigerant.

Ambient temperature influences cooling capacity

Of course, the cooling output depends on the ambient temperature: The cooler the ambient temperature, the higher the cooling capacity. The normal operating range is plus 15 to plus 60 degrees Celsius. The power ratings of our inhouse-manufactured units range from 400 to 2600 watts. But we can also provide ratings of up to 6000 watts. A further plus of our air conditioners: The external fan operates only in cooling mode; thus, noise and pollution can be avoided. The temperature is factory-set to +35 °C. It can be field-adjusted after removal of the cover panel, or for devices equipped with a display, from the outside. A control line for the door switch, separately connected for units with a cooling capacity of 800 W or more, permits remote ON/OFF switching of the unit without power disconnect.

A capillary thermostat controls the compressor and the external fan (for small air conditioners directly, for larger units via a contactor). The switching hysteresis is about 6 K. For models KF800 to KF2400 any condensed water is evaporated in the external circuit. The evaporation process does not require an additional component, which is a decisive advantage of our units. In case of excessive condensation e.g. due to open doors or an extremely high air humidity, excess condensation is drained off via a fitting through the slots in the bottom of the housing cover, or it can be led directly to the outside by connecting a hose to the drain fitting.

For models KF800 to KF2400, the power connection is done via a plug-in terminal at the rear side of the device. The mating connector is included in the scope of delivery. The power cord for the LF400 is fed through the rear of the device. The häwa devices are extremely sturdy. When used in accordance with standards, they have a very long service life. Based on our extensive experience, our devices can be in operation for up to 15 years, at which time they can be returned to the factory for evaluation and repair.

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Empfangsmitarbeiterin Frau Sproll. Empfangsmitarbeiterin Frau Sproll.