Press releases

X-frame machine rack on tour

With modular machine housings from häwa


In February, Managing Director Arno Müller was still optimistic about the new year. But then Corona came and everything changed. Almost everything. But häwa, the control cabinet manufacturer, is still looking optimistically into the future. The company demonstrates with the modular X-frame machine racks its know-how on all levels.

Wain - 11.8.2020 – Normally, häwa presents their latest products at major trade fairs. Since this is not or only partially possible due to Corona, the manufacturer of control cabinets, enclosures and machine racks reacts with a creative concept and presents its modular system for machine housings directly to the customer via a roadshow. "The idea seemed obvious, since we have been using our modified truck for many years to visit interested companies and to present our tool program directly on site. The truck is several weeks a year on tour for demonstrations at the customer sites - why not with other häwa products as well", asked Managing Director Arno Müller and recognized immediately two advantages of the idea: "First, we can meet our customers directly and then have - much better than at a trade fair - the possibility of showing and explaining our innovations and discussing new projects directly with the customer". He added that this is particularly beneficial to häwa's traditional principle of developing individual solutions together with the customers. The company from Wain (Germany) is well-known for manufacturing control cabinets, enclosures and machine housings not only off-the-shelf, but also for designing, producing and delivering each product according to the specifications of the end user.   

From September to the beginning of December, the show truck will travel through Germany, Switzerland and Austria and present the X-frame machine rack with its versatile application possibilities, including for example, laser protection, robotics, door systems, applications in the hygiene sector and swiveling control cabinets.

X-frame has become a synonym for functionality, flexibility, practical experience and sophisticated design in the customized machine construction sector. Häwa's system is designed to install all attachments and cables inside the frame of the machine rack. "We are very proud of these results," says Managing Director Arno Müller, "we have consistently optimized the machine racks and adapted them to meet future requirements”. It is not only a great pleasure to be able to explain this principle directly at the customers' company door, but also offers the opportunity to refine the X-frame product. Arno Müller: "With every contact with the experts from the field, we get new suggestions, ideas and valuable tips to make the machine rack even better". 

The häwa Roadshow will start on September 14. Dates can be arranged at

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Empfangsmitarbeiterin Frau Sproll. Empfangsmitarbeiterin Frau Sproll.